Dan tells James all about his record breaking run from Lands End to John O Groats.
Photo credit: Dave Macfarlane https://www.instagram.com/davemacfarlane/
Dan tells James all about his record breaking run from Lands End to John O Groats.
Photo credit: Dave Macfarlane https://www.instagram.com/davemacfarlane/
James speaks to Dan, on Day 4 of his attempt to break the LEJoG record.
Follow Dans tracker here: https://live.centurionrunning.com/DanLEJoG2020
Photo credit : June Harrison
James speaks to Dan, live from the road at mile 95, the end of the first day of his attempt to break the LEJoG record.
Follow Dans tracker here: https://live.centurionrunning.com/DanLEJoG2020
This week James and Dan are joined by John Kelly of Barkley, Spine and countless other endurance events fame. He sets out over the coming month to attempt both the Pennine Way record and to try once again to link all three British Rounds together, biking in between, to set a new fastest time for the link up he calls the Grand Round – both records currently held by British long distance legend Mike Hartley. John is raising money for the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust through his endeavours and the just giving page can be found here https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/hartleyslam
Picture c/o Tyler Landrum
James and Dan catch up before an interview with Trees not Tees founder Jim Mann. Jim is probably best known for being one of the UK’s top mountain runners of recent years. Amongst his accolades are wins at the Dragons Back, Spine Challenger, Cheviot Goat and most impressively – in 2017 he set winter records on each of the three British rounds (PB, BG, CR) all within the space of a month . Last year he established Trees Not Tees, a movement to encourage runners and organisers to reduce plastic use and running event waste by reducing the number of finisher awards created and handed out and encouraging those funds to go towards planting trees. That is the focus of the interview here. https://www.treesnottees.com.